Gastric Bypass Surgery (Roux-en-Y)
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is a bariatric weight loss surgery. This surgery makes changes to the digestive system including creating a small “pouch-like” stomach created from the top of the original stomach. The pouch is then connected directly to a lower part of the small intestine completely bypassing the remaining stomach, duodenum and upper part of the small intestine.
This weight loss tool creates a small stomach pouch which decreases food intake. With the bypassing of much of the top part of the digestive system, fewer calories and nutrients are absorbed. The rerouting of the food stream also produces significant changes in neurological and hormonal messaging systems between the gut and brain. An example of this alteration can result in an immediate change in one of the main body mechanisms which causes Type 2 Diabetes.
With all weight loss procedures, compliance with a specific menu, exercise and emotional and psychological support plan specifically designed for this surgery is critical to long term success, health and well-being.